Schedule Tasks and Automate Windows Operations Easily with Few Clicks

If you keep forgetting tasks frequently while working on your system whole day then the best way to remember them is to set reminders.

Sometimes you may also want to automate windows operations at specific times to perform tasks easily. This not only saves your time sitting in front of system but also  performs many desired tasks when you are away. Schedule Manager is a good application to give a try.

Schedule Manager is a freeware application to set task reminders and automate windows operations at desired time. It is easy to use with a simple user interface. It provides drop down menu to select among various types of operations. You can also add text contents to alerts and it has a inbuilt text to speech converter to read it out when specified time comes.

You can perform all windows power options like sleep, hibernate, restart, logoff, screen lock etc. Apart from this you can also open files, websites or trigger file download from specific location at desired time.

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