Send Anonymous Tweet to anyone on Twitter without revealing identity

On Twitter, you may sometimes have to tell / suggest / complain something to some tweeps but revealing your identity may hurt your image / relation with him / her. So, here is an anonymous tweeting service with which you can tweet mentioning anyone without revealing personal identity anonymously.

MysTwt which I guess is a abbreviated form of Mystery Tweet because the person receiving your tweet however gets your idea conveyed but “who sent it” is still a mystery for him. It is a new and innovative web service for passionate users of most popular micro blogging service – Twitter.

Using the service is dead easy. Just login with your Twitter credentials and type the twitter ID you want to mention followed by your message. The Tweet so sent will not have any traces of your identity and the sender’s ID will be replaced by @_mystwt or @mystwt_

So, this service can not just be used for recommendation or suggestions but also can play a prank with friends. I expect you readers to use the service effectively.

Site: MysTwt

: We contacted MysTwt developer and came to know that there had been some problem with Twitter API which forced them to take the site down. They have confirmed to come back by 18th November.

Update: Site blocked by Twitter API

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 2 comments
Christina - November 14, 2010

MysTwt – Tweet Concealed!
“The service is unavailable for the moment as we are facing some problems with Twitter API. We’ll be right back.”

Sydney @ InteliWise - November 16, 2010

This is interesting, I would use it just like you said PRANK. LOL! But I would use it on my personal twitter of course, not for business. Nice share! 🙂


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