How to set daily Bing images as Desktop Wallpapers

Its true that Bing is gaining market share slowly and also, many of us likes those beautiful Bing Background Photos. Why not set them as your Wallpapers which will change automatically?

Daily Bing search engine images consist of awesome collection of photos from amazing nature photos to holiday sensitive events. If you too don’t care (like me) or really don’t have time to change desktop wallpaper then you can use this great feature in Windows 7 to grab images via RSS feed and set them as wallpapers.

How to Set Bing Images as Daily Desktop Wallpapers

  1. Download file Bing.theme (Right Click “Save as”)
  2. Double Click the downloaded Theme File.
  3. Select Download Attachments option so that Images are downloaded automatically when Bing RSS updates.
  4. Done! You can select from the available images to show and configure Picture Position.

bing images desktop wallpaper

Select the picture position according to your choice though choosing center would spoil the show completely. If you feel that the quality of images are not so great or you are not satisfied, using Fit might help you. The image duration can be set as per your wish of frequency to have a new wallpaper on your desktop.

[alert-warning] Wallpaper Quality is not up to the mark. Try using Fit Picture positioning to compensate the quality[/alert-warning]

Setting up Aero Transparency with Bing Theme

Once the theme is applied you can also play with various other features to customize it further. To increase the Aero transparency with this theme, click on Windows Color tab present at bottom on the theme window.

dynamic bing theme windows 7

Now select the aero color of your choice and check on Enable transparency. One you have done so, you can reduce the color intensity to minimum to have maximum transparency on windows 7 taskbar and other menus. You can also change the aero color automatically with help of AeroWallpaperChanger. This application will change aero color depending on the color of the present desktop background.

[alert-success] AeroWallpaperChanger is a great combo with this theme [/alert-success]

Is it really worthy to use Bing Theme?

Well, depends on what you want. If you desire things to be dynamic then its perfect for you. But the personal opinion says that the quality of wallpapers are really not up to the standards. On a laptop screen you can suffice using Fit positioning but it will be a blizzard on big Displays. In such circumstances you can alternatively try to Set Desktop Backgrounds to Flickr, Picasa, Facebook Album.

[alert-announce] To disable the theme, just right click on desktop and go to Personalize. Once you are there change the theme to anything you like. Done [/alert-announce]

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 33 comments
Mandar - August 6, 2009

After clicking on Bing.theme, I am getting error message 😉

    Rohit Langde - August 6, 2009

    @Mandar, It only works on Windows 7 and can you please tell me what’s the error exactly?

Jenny - August 11, 2009

BTW: you can browse and download today’s and old Bing wallpapers from it is really nice!

    Rohit Langde - August 14, 2009

    @Jenny, hhmm. Thanks for sharing, it’s really cool.

Chandra - April 13, 2010

We are getting error on Windows 7 only. The following is the error message.

The theme could not load because of one of the theme needed files could not be found. This can happen with the themes that are not installed or authored correctly. You should verify that the wall paper, screen saver, icons, sounds, and other files are in the correct location.

Theme: C:\Users\v-chnara\Desktop\Bing.theme.

Adrian Morgan - April 28, 2010

I use Bing and Google whenever i want to find something on the internet. I think that both search engines are very good. ‘

Chris - August 20, 2010

Thank you, it works great!

Ankit - October 7, 2010

lovely ! it works fine !

Gabe - September 29, 2011

Is there a way to do this and only get the US pic of the day I get a bunch of the same pics over and over because it sends me the pics from all the bing sites around the world. I am constantly having to uncheck a bunch of pics in the wallpaper folder.

Gail T. - December 2, 2011

I took My computer to the “Geek Squd” at Best Buy to have
“Bing Imaging” that changes daily put into it.

They added “Google Chrom”on my home page and now I can only get the
“Bing Imaging on Google Chrome and I am left with the frame of where Bing Imaging is suppose to be with no imaging just a blank frame.

How can I a ,72 year old lady with gray haired, poor eye sight and a megar understanding of computers, find help here?
I realy hope so.

Nasar - September 3, 2012

I cannot get daily desktop background imagesin my PC

    Rohit Langde - September 3, 2012

    Did you follow each step correctly?
    Were you able to fetch images from RSS and did they preview in Window?

Nwosu Desmond - September 5, 2012

This is definitely the best wallpaper for your system as it is updated daily. Thanks

    Sourojit Nandi - September 5, 2012

    But the quality offered was not high when I used it some times back.

      Nwosu Desmond - September 5, 2012

      Then you need to check it out now…

Ted - October 20, 2012

Worked perfectly on my Windows 7 64-Bit Home Pro!
Yesterday on Bing was an animated water with a lighthouose.
Is there a way to add that to my themes and have it
animate on my desktop?

Alan - January 31, 2013

I noticed that today’s bing image moves I believe it’s an animated .gif. Is there a way to apply an animated .gif to your desktop?

vahid - February 2, 2013

i have downloaded ” Bing.Theme ” and followed the instruction. but it doesn’t work. just a black surface on my screen and no theme. what should i do?


shirley higgens - May 22, 2013

I think the wallpaper is nice however I would like to find out where the pictures are from, I can’t identify a lot of them

Bonnie - June 6, 2013

I love the daily Bing screen savers. sometimes I can identify the location but not always. Is there a website that will identify the location of the photos each day.

tayah - June 1, 2014



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