Snagit 10 Screen Capture and Editor: What’s new and Complete Review

Taking  Screenshots helps in future references or editing if you are a developer or caught in some error or just use to save something unusual or awesome you discovered on screen. Snagit is a premium screen capturing utility preferred by most of the bloggers, reviewers or Screen-Casters. If you haven’t used then let me tell you that it’s a perfect screen capturing and editing software. snagit 10 full download

Techsmith has launched a new version- Snagit 10 to cope up with the needs of today’s web 2.0 user. If you are already using Snagit 9 then you may not feel much difference in interface but you cannot ignore the improvements and addition of new features in new version. Among these useful and interesting features, two notable features are All in one Capture Profile and Transperancy.

In Snagit v9.10, you always had to switch among the various Screen capture profiles but Snagit 10’s All in one Capture can cover up specific Window, region, full screen and scrolling captures into one. The profile also adds cross-hairs to help line up a shot and pushes the magnifying glass into the mess.

Next is Transparency feature in Snagit Image editor 10 which replaces the default white background with checkered Grey boxes as Canvas as in Photoshop. It allows to remove non-transparent white background so that pictures appear seamless and can be integrated into websites, complex presentations and color documents. It is also possible to remove the Aero Glass effects automatically.

In Snagit 10, Image sharing has been made easier, you can directly upload your captures to Each Snagit user gets a free starter account, nominal storage included.

My Verdict: I have been using Snagit for years and impressed with All in one Capture profile. Eventhough, using the new function is bit annoying as their is confusion of lines and planes, especially as the capture borders jump from full screen to window to scrolling mode. Still, All-in-one mode and Transparency are the meaningful extension integrated and that’s the reason for me to upgrade.

Download Snagit 10 fully functional for 30 days.

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 5 comments
Namit Gupta - May 15, 2010

I have been using Snagit from quiet some time, its an awesome tool, I love it. Will try the new version soon.

mostwanted - May 15, 2010

Screenpresso was an alternative I was using since they released 9 I wans’t really feeling 9 I’m trying 10 now a huge difference but what I’d like to see that Screenpresso will be offering is Video recording the GUI, would love that but love the new changes. Thanks for the review.

iraq4ll - September 21, 2010

important software used after any format
thank u

    Precious - March 25, 2014

    You are out-smarting yourself.Just make three comluns. Don’t mess with the formatting of the pictures when you do the first one will take full width, be huge, and not what you want (though, if the aspect is off, it will shrink and look like it’s floating in the middle).Then, the second one (which will by default be 50/50) will split it. Then add a third.Then, jimmy with the width dividers. Don’t muck with float or anything like that.


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