Sony Xperia Flash Tool to Install Official Stock ROM from Custom ROM

An official Flashing tool for Sony Xperia Smartphones.. that’s what users were waiting for. Till date, there wasn’t any working solution to return to official Stock ROM if we have flashed Xperia phone with custom ROM. Sony has released a flash tool for Xperia smartphones with unlocked bootloader.

Just like we have Odin for Samsung phones or ROM Update Utitlity (RUU) for HTC phones, it is a Flashing software tool for Sony Xperia called Emma.

But there is a slight difference, you cannot use it to flash Custom ROM. It can be used for flashing “official” ROM only. And software can be downloaded from the tool itself. So, it is somewhat similar to Phoenix flashing tool for Nokia.

How to Install Emma Flash Tool?

  1. Download the Flash tool for Xperia devices.
  2. Unzip the file you downloaded and place it somewhere on your computer.
  3. In the unzipped folder, run Emma.exe. During the installation, make sure you remember the installation path:
    1. Default path in Windows 64 bit is: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony Mobile\Emma\”
    2. Default path in Windows 32 bit is: “C:\Program Files\Sony Mobile\Emma\”
  4. Copy the Customization.ini file. You find it in the <Emma zip filename>.
  5. Paste the Customization.ini file into the installation folder. The installation folder is the folder named Emma in the installation path examples on point 3.1 and 3.2 above.
  6. Click Start > All programs > Sony Mobile > Emma (if you used the default installation path from step 3 above) to start the flash tool.

xperia flash tool emma


How to Flash Sony Xperia with Emma?

It is assumed that you have a Sony Xperia device with unlocked bootloader. If you haven’t already, learn to unlock and then proceed.

  1. Computer: Open Emma from the Start menu of your computer.
  2. Connect a USB cable to your computer.
  3. Phone: Turn off your phone.
  4. Connect your phone to the USB cable while holding the flash key. Device will be detected and accordingly available software list will be displayed.
  5. Computer: Select the software you want to flash in the Service list. Service refers to standard official ROM for your Sony Xperia device.
  6. Click on Apply Service. The phone will now be flashed.
  7. Phone: When you have flashed your device, you can disconnect your phone from the computer. The first time you start your device after you have flashed it, the boot-up might take a little longer than normal.

Compatibility: The Flash tool is currently in beta and works with Xperia S, Xperia arc and Xperia arc S currently.

Source- Sony Developer page

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 1 comments
Akash Garg - June 6, 2013

i hv custom rom in xperia ray 4.03 version…
phone is rooted and unlocked bootloader…

by this i will get official stock rom according to u and sony…

and if i want to get 4.1 jellybean kernel on it with 587 stock rom how to do it also i want phone to be rooted…

Plz reply ASAP..


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