Speed Up Torrent Downloads With P2P Clients Accelerator

Torrents downloading at a slow speed is very irritating even when it has good ratio of seeds and peers. This happens specially when you have slow internet connection. Now you can solve this situation up to an extent with SpeedLord

 increase torrent download speed

SpeedLord is a free P2P download accelerator, it supports many popular torrent clients like uTorrent, Vuze, Limewire, Shareaza, Bittorrent, BitCommet etc. This powerful download optimization module is easy to use and you do not even need to configure a single thing. Just start the application select your network card and  torrent client. Acceleration can be started or stopped any time from SpeedLord interface. SpeedLord claims a speed boost of 200%.

My Verdict: I tested this application using Tata Indicom Photon Whiz internet connection and uTorrent version 1.6. With the accelerator turned, there was a boost of 75% in download speed. As this is a free and light weight application you can give it a try.

Download: SpeedLord

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 5 comments
vinitneo - March 16, 2010

does it really work. If yes. how and how much, can you please provide more details.

    Sourojit Nandi - March 17, 2010

    Well it acts as TCP/IP optimizer, TCP/IP version 4 is the protocol widely used for data transfer over different networks. This software also opens correct router ports for the data to travel to and from the source. These optimizations help in speed boosts in data receiving.
    Yes this software works. I got 10 Kbps extra speed after applying the accelerator.
    You should try out this software.

ha14 - March 17, 2010

Does it accelerate IE for all purpose since is TCP/IP optimizer

1Torrent - May 11, 2010

There’s a lot of stuff you can do to speed up a torrent. The easiest is just adding a decent tracker list (make sure it’s not too big though). There’s port forwarding, speed calculating, TCP hacks etc.

The important thing is that you understand what you’re doing incase something goes wrong.

Try out these sites that have been helpfull to me:


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