5 Kind of Articles To Get Traffic Without Google on Pandalized Blog

5 Kind of Articles to Get Traffic without Google

After getting hit by Panda, your Search rankings goes on lowering and that’s the reason for decrease in traffic. So, when Google isn’t loving you the way it used to, here are different kind of articles you should publish to get traffic without Google even on Panda-lized (affected by Google Panda update) Blogs.

You may argue that when other posts from your blog aren’t ranking well, then how THESE articles will find their place. So, let me tell you that, after Google, you can count Social Media as a last resort. Not just direct traffic from Social Media; But as you know Google Algorithms now take into account Social interaction in search positioning, this would help you rise up. If you want to start blogging but don’t know how to start a blog check blogging.org.

Here is a strategy and type of articles which I am experimenting with to get traffic to my blog posts NOT JUST from Google.

1. Video Blogging

YouTube Trafffic Without Google

YouTube can be serious Traffic driving source if you harness its power in proper manner. You should try to make videos of your own experience, tutorial, or anything which could compliment your blog article. Then upload them on YouTube account and embed it in your post.

When posts aren’t ranking directly in Web Search, why not try Video Search?

Points to Note:

  1. Create your own YouTube channel.
  2. Add Blog’s name at the beginning and end of video.
  3. Give the Article URL in Video description to send the video viewer to your Blog post. (Important!)
  4. See any of our recent Videos on Blogsolute’s YouTube channel.

As Images in an article is considered as necessary element, Embedding Relevant YouTube Videos also improves quality and makes it more informative. So, along with traffic, you are improving SEO (Search Engine Optimization)of your blog as stated in this Backlink guide by NYC SEO authority.


  1. Increase Subscriber base.
  2. Improve On-Page Time.

2. Controversial Posts

Blog Traffic Without Google on Pandalized Blog

[Image Courtesy – sxu.edu]

Humans are easily attracted by controversy and negative things. When regular  type of informative posts aren’t bringing any real traffic, twist it up, talk nonsense controversial. Write something against the regular and traditional way, make some comments on trending topic which would excite people to join the discussion.

This would help you catch attraction from people who otherwise would have avoided it. There would be some readers against it and obviously few supporting it, this would result in heating up of your comment section.

More Engaging Comments would increase interaction on posts which again sends positive signal to Google Algorithms that your post is worth reading, as this SEO company in India mentions in their blog. This brings traffic without Google’s help for free and even people tend to share such things more on their Social Profiles.

Points to Consider:

  1. Don’t hurt Religious Sentiments. General topic controversy would be better like “People Waste Time on Twitter because They Have No Life
  2. Nonsense will neither be tolerated nor entertained.
  3. Be in position to handle arguments with strong defending points.
  4. Moderate Comments wisely.


  1. Social Sharing
  2. Increased Number of Comments.

3. Contest Posts

Giveaway Contest blog

People love freebies so, take chance, experiment contest post by giving away something to readers. Of course, in return, you will take something from them. Ask them to share your posts on social profiles, comment and subscribe to YouTube channel and/or newsletters.

Giveaway Product depends on your blog niche. You can give away some Premium WordPress Theme if you blog about blogs or some software product like we did in recent past.


  1. Word of Mouth Publicity
  2. Increased Number of Comments.
  3. Social Sharing

4. List About People or Websites in Your Niche

When you mention someone in your blog, it is likely that the person will share your article or a link to it. Obviously, I shared the article, referred my friends or at least visited it once when my name was listed in “Top 10 Bloggers and Adsense Earners From India“.

Likewise, you can create list of websites too titled for example: “Websites That Inspired Me Design My Blog“. Such articles are bound to get traffic without much help from Google.

Also, you can try to pull some famous personality in your niche and post their Interview. That person will no doubt share with his social circle linking your blog post.


  1. Link Backs
  2. Social Sharing

5. Guest Post

Guest Blogging For Traffic Without Google

[Image Courtesy – Template Faerie]

It hasn’t to be done on your blog but on a blog with similar or relevant niche or your friend’s blog. Approach people in your niche, friends and offer them a free article content for their blog.

Include your blog’s homepage link and/or one of the awesome post in the Author Bio in the guest post to be published. Readers of their blog are likely to click on your click if they continue to read complete article provided your offer them good read.

For your Information, We (Blogsolute) also accepts Guest Posts, you can use Contact Form or mail your article on rohit[at]blogsolute[dot]com.


  1. Genuine Backlink building
  2. Good Relationship with other Bloggers.

Traffic Sources Except Google Search

This post isn’t about avoiding Search Traffic but to improve your image in eyes of Google and in the mean time get traffic from other sources except Google. At the end, I am also emphasizing on improving Search Rankings on Google.

1. Social Media

People have started using Social networks as News Source and Information hub so, try to be awesome there. Write compelling content which would force people in your social circle to click on the link and visit blog.

2. Offline Promotion

This is often overlooked and not used as a traffic tool by many but you give it a chance. Add a bumper sticker to your car with Blog URL, Wear T-Shirts and give them to your readers with Blog’s name, Print business Cards, Laptop stickers and do whatever possible.

Blogsolute Bag - Get Traffic Without Google

Yes, that’s the bag I carry wherever I go. 🙂

Even this post is an attempt to get traffic without Google because I believe it helped you some or the other way (in case not affected by Google Panda). I expect a shout-out about this article in your Tweets and Facebook Updates.

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 20 comments
Ashish - July 6, 2012

Amazing post,I agree with you that we should not depend totally depend on google for traffic.The ways you mentioned here are totally worth trying.Anyways thanks for sharing this useful article.

    Rohit Langde - July 6, 2012

    Yes Ashish, they work, Tried and tested by me 🙂
    Good Luck experimenting them, Happy Blogging!

Sourojit Nandi - July 7, 2012

Pic of the advertisement BAG is awesome!

TechFlashed - July 7, 2012

Interesting suggestions for bloggers .

Dushyant Kumar (Maddy) - July 10, 2012

I also publish my blog on wordpress on june 2011, now i have more than 20000 members. Yuppie

Prateek - July 10, 2012

youtube blogging is just an awesome idea… But the social media trffic doesn’t bring you a good earning as organic traffic..

krishna chaitanya - November 28, 2012

hey nice post rohit…
i learnerd a lot through this post.The youtube search is good techique.
now can you please tell me is tyro and adbrite ads are based upon payperclick payment or any other way of payment?

    Rohit Langde - November 28, 2012

    They are similar to Adsense. Apart from clicks, you will get paid for page impressions too.

krishna chaitanya - November 28, 2012

can we embed other videos if we dont have our own videos in our video gallery

    Rohit Langde - November 29, 2012

    But how would that drive traffic?

fashion designer - December 5, 2012

really working.

Creative Brain Web - February 5, 2013

Nice post, i agree with u…..

Siddharth Aggarwal - February 24, 2013

hey nice post
thanks for sharing this wonderful article
it will play a key role for me to generate more traffic

Nihar - February 25, 2013

Great article. this is helpful.

I have added my website name on the rear mirror of my Car 🙂

Atul Kumar Pandey - March 1, 2013

Hello buddy,
I like the offline promotion most here. Really a blogger can remember their blog’s name to every one by offline promotions only.

dataguru - March 20, 2013

Thanks for the info !!!! It will great help to me !!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much !!!!!!

Harpreet Kumar - August 11, 2016

hello buddy its knowledge filled tips u provided for traffic improvements in blog. Thanks for sharing it

Third Temple Digital - August 26, 2016

Thanks for your nice posting. It is very helpful for me.

nathan - October 9, 2016

Rohit Langde,

Thanks for this wonderful information about traffic


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