How to know the best time to Tweet for Maximum Exposure and Retweets

On twitter, Apart from number of followers and quality of tweets, one more factor affecting impact is time. Yes, you should be able to hit it on right time so that it goes through timeline of most of followers.

I agree that with the time goes on, one may analyze the correct timings to tweet at which he can get more number of Retweets, replies or visits on blog.

Here I am sharing a webware which accesses your followers’ timeline and suggest you the best possible time to tweet and gain more exposure and influence on followers.

Tweriod is a service where you have to provide your twitter login credentials and allow to access your account.

It will go through timestamps of your followers’ tweets and let you know the best possible time when they were online for a certain period of days (5000 tweets).

It may take time to generate your report graph as API goes on analyzing 5000 tweets. Results will be shown as graph describing followers per hour.

Also, the page suggests you when to tweet to get maximum exposure. And based on these stats, you can adjust your timings or if not possible, check out 10 adroit Web Services to Easily Schedule Future Tweets.

As the tagline of site says ” Make the most of Twitter “, it is really a useful service for Bloggers, Marketers and other general users who want to have more influence.

Site: Tweriod

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 3 comments
Harshit - January 12, 2011

I had my own observations on the topic, but seems like you have done some good work on it. 🙂

Btw, it’s all in IST?

    Rohit Langde - January 12, 2011

    In your case “YES”
    The time zone you have on your profile is the one they use to generate reports.

Neha - October 10, 2011

Can we also get the facebook update best time analysis for India?


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