Uninstall Applications Easily with Portable Advanced Uninstaller

In day to day computer use there are many applications that gets installed on our system. Uninstalling these applications can be done easily through windows inbuilt add/remove utility. The default windows application uninstaller is not so efficient in removing all application or performing a clean uninstall of left over files. In situations like this IObit’s Advanced Uninstaller will be of great help.

Advanced Uninstaller is a free and portable windows uninstaller that gives you several benefits over windows inbuilt uninstaller. It is an easy to use application which can search windows registry and remove left overs of uninstalled applications.

It can also remove applications that are not listed on program list of add/remove application. This can be done by selecting the application whose name is not present in the list. With Advanced Uninstaller several applications can be selected and removed at a single time.It also creates a system restore point whenever an installation is performed so that you can revert back any changes made accidentally.

My Verdict: This application is very easy to use and is efficient in cleaning all junk files from your system. If you are still using windows uninstaller and facing problems to remove certain applications, give it a try.

Download: Advanced Uninstaller

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