Uninstall Nero Completely with Nero Clean Tool

If you have problems uninstalling the Nero burning software, there may be keys in the Windows registry or old files that may cause your Windows to work properly or simply it prevents you from installing a newer a newer version on your system.

To resolve this problem, the guys at Nero has launched a tool that allows us to eliminate any trace of an installation of Nero called Nero Cleantool.

Its operation is extremely simple, after downloading, we just need to run the tool and will open the window “Nero General Clean Tool” where we indicate that we have versions of Nero installed on your system.

Then, mark the versions you want to uninstall completely and click “Clear.” A status window will indicate to us what the tool is doing and after a few minutes be completed. Just restart your system and it makes sure there is no entry for Nero on your system.

Nero Cleantool is absolutely free and runs on Windows 2000, XP and Vista.

Download Nero Clean Tool

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