How to update Quick Heal 2010 offline

We have already covered topic on How to update Quick Heal 2010 online and received many requests on how can Quick Heal Total Security or Antivirus 2010 using offline update definitions. It takes some simple steps and you are done with updating to latest virus database. Let’s go step by step:

Download the Virus database update definitions, You can download it directly from given links:

  1. Quick Heal Total Security 2009 9.50 Update definitions free download
  2. Quick Heal Total Security 2009 10.00 Update definitions free download
  3. Quick Heal Total Security 2010 11.00 Offline Update definitions download
  4. Quick Heal Antivirus 2010 offline Updates Download
  5. Quick Heal Internet Security 2010 offline Updates Download

Unzip the downloaded file and extract all files into a folder in any directory (say Desktop)

1. Open Quick Heal Total Security / Antivirus Window and click on Update in left menu

quick heal offline update

2. Press Next

quick heal offline update

3. Select Pick from Specified Location and click on “File” Button

quick heal offline update


5. Go to the Folder where you extracted Update Definition files and select index.bin

quick heal offline update

6. Done! Click Finish, Your Quick Heal Virus Database is updates successfully

quick heal offline update

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 23 comments
Roahn - February 9, 2010

Thanks……….. Rohit.. cheers…

Nandan kumar - April 17, 2010

Dear Rohit,

Firstly, I really need to admire you for creating this web site. It is really very much attractive for amateurs like us.

As you said above I tried to update. But it is asking for activation online. What would be the next step?

    Rohit Langde - April 19, 2010

    Buddy, go for downloading the evaluation version and not the full version. Because, the full version setup doesn’t works without activation key. You will be able to update Evaluation version without any problem.

Rajesh Jha - May 27, 2010

Hi Rohit,

i am using Quick heal total security 2010 v11.00 with windows xp-pro sp2 and going to expire on 1st of june 2010,i have got six month renewal key with jateway motherboard but showing “renewal code is invalid” while going to renew online.
could you please help out to renew,i have tried 3-4 renewal code but no use.

Rajesh jha

nitin - August 2, 2010

dear blogsolute
i cant download the updates for qh 10
in between the following message appears
kindly guide
message is:
C:\Documents and Settings\mpsmcj\Desktop\QHDEF(3).ZIP.part could not be saved, because the source file could not be read.

Try again later, or contact the server administrator.

Rohit Langde - August 26, 2010

Yes.. It is pre activated.

siddhant - September 10, 2010

I am using Quick heal total security 2010 v11.00 with windows xp-pro sp2 but I can not latest update download please guide me how to copy latest update in website.

    nikhil - October 9, 2010

    im!not able to update qh total security 2010 because i was having less speed internet can i update it & this is the first time to update it.

ashish - September 21, 2010

I have quick heal 10 with working keys but I think It will expired the license when I will update that so where I can find the crack or anything that may be update my quick heal and never expires

My friend using kaspersky have the same crack her can update daily

and , before My avast was also expired when I connect for update

INDRA - October 5, 2010

I am using Quick heal total security 2010 v11.00 with windows xp-pro sp2 but I can not latest update download please guide me how to copy latest update in website.

pranita - October 10, 2010

i cant update my qh total security 2010 version online,it gives error in internet connection even if connection persist, what should i do?

SAGAR - October 22, 2010


Vinayak - November 28, 2010

when i update Quick heal total security 2010 v11.00 offline it shows registration required. total security is not registered. Quick update will run after registration.
Please help………..

vikas - January 11, 2011

dis methon is not working now last window of qheal says dat it is not registered

neel - January 26, 2011

thanxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx bro for this information

preetam - March 5, 2011

hi,bro its not working.
basically i cant see “index.bin” in downloaded update.
only index file is there and its not working.
qheal says mension the correct defination file path.

pls reply.!

Varun - August 28, 2011

Thanks for providing us the updates.Sir,can u will add the links for offline updates of QUICK HEAL INTERNET SECURITY 2011 FOR THE AUGUST MONTH?I mean to add offline updates for the august month.

Poonam - October 9, 2011

Hi Rohit,
My antivirus is quick heal antivirus pro 2011 ver 12.00(
Can u share the link for offline update for my quick heal?

ather - October 18, 2011

he dude,
I need update for Quick Heal Total Security 2012 the latest version

Subhasis Pradhan - January 2, 2012

really a good forum.

harvinder - March 20, 2012

hi rohit,
i m using quick heal total security 2011.its activated, but when i go to update offline and give the path of index.bin then message appear “quick heal definitions already up to date tha u database want to update” like… when database of antivirus is 3 month old and definitions in zip folder is latest……what is the problem …i m very confused…my computer clock is working ok time and date ok….plz help mee…as soon as possible..
Thanx in advance

Mahie - March 25, 2012

Hello Rohit..
I have Quickheal Antivirus Pro 2011 installed and have downloaded the zip file also but I cannot see the option in which it manually asks for the file location.. it directly downloads from the internet and gets stuck in between.. please help


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