How to upload long videos on Youtube of any Length, More than 15 minutes

It’s more than redundant to say that Youtube video is the most used platform in the world, both the most visited and the most commonly used to upload video online, but we all know their limitations.

We can only upload a video but not more than 15 minutes long. This limitation is really annoying when you have a mini movies to upload or a long video.

Probable solution is to use a desktop Video editing tool, cut them in video pieces of 15 minutes and then upload one by one to Youtube. Pretty long huh!

VidSnip is a web application which can upload videos longer than 15 minutes to Youtube automatically. This option is not available with Youtube by default but thanks to VidSnip, you can do it automatically.

Upload Long Youtube videos

How to upload longer videos on Youtube?

What you do?

Download and install VidSnip.

Launch the Program and select any longer video more than 15 minutes from computer. That’s it!

What VidSnip does?

Snips the selected video into segments on 15 minutes.

Upload them on Youtube Servers.

Create a Playlist linking all those videos so that you can watch it back without interruption.

10 Useful Youtube Online Tools

How much does it cost?

Unfortunately, it’s not a freeware. You require minimum 5credits to upload more than 15 minutes video on Youtube and 10 credits costs 1.99$. If you think doing this all manually is a time waster then a good cheap option to be considered.

Download VidSnip

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Anish K.S - December 2, 2010

Very useful tip Rohit. Thanks for the share.


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