Upload and Manage Orkut Photo Album from Desktop

Orkut still remains to be popular among Indian and Brazilian people and so, you cannot sideline it power. Photo sharing is an important aspect of Social Networks and so, Uploading and managing orkutĀ  from Desktop would be just great. However, not much tools are being developed for Orkut in compare to other social networks but here we bring up a tool which can upload multiple photos to orkut albums instantly.

There is an add-in for Picasa from where you can completely manage Orkut Albums from Desktop and upload multiple Photos easily right from Desktop with this application. Picasa is sophisticated Photo viewing and editing software, not just managing your Web Albums on Google Picasa but t also, it handles Local Desktop Photos very well.

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How to upload multiple Photos on Orkut from Desktop?

You need to have Google Picasa installed on the computer before installing Orkut Add-in.

  1. Download Share on Orkut Button for Picasa.
  2. You will see a new Orkut icon in the interface of Picasa.
  3. Select Photos (you want to upload) and open them, Now click on the Orkut icon and and enter you Login information for Orkut.
  4. Select the album in which you want to upload and a progress bar for uploading will appear.

orkut photo uploader

My Verdict: Its just handy tool if you don’t want to login Orkut via Web browser and then navigate to Albums to upload. Picasa provides you rich interface with previews which enhances your user experience. Here, you can edit photos and then upload from same without exiting this application window.

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