Use Recycle Bin from Windows System Tray with Custom Icons

Many among us love to use windows customization packs. To give windows the ultimate visual effects we sometimes hide the desktop preventing our unorganized desktop from spoiling the show.

Doing this we also hide useful items like the recycle bin. Personally I have never used the recycle bin and removing it from desktop will not be a big deal for me. But for people using it regularly to avoid accidental data loss, it becomes bit difficult task to access it regularly if hidden.

If you are using recycle bin regularly but also want to make your windows look cool with customizations hiding items on desktop then MiniBin is the exact application at your help.

MiniBin is a portable freeware windows application that stays on the system tray. It is easy to use and once downloaded you need to extract it to a folder. I consists of two separate icons that will be used to indicate full and empty bin.

To view contents you can open the recycle bin by right clicking on the system tray icon. Right clicking also allows you to clean recycle bin contents directly.

If you want to change the icons for full and empty recycle bin you can try replacing the default icons present in application folder with other .ico file if u have at hand.

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christianbabu - January 25, 2011

You can go further with minbin (recycle bin in the tray)
It’s icons have a great design, it’ll looks really nice in yor Windows 7 PC…
Take a look:


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