Which is the most reliable blogging platform?

While choosing the platform for blogging, first question arises in the mind of bloger is about the reliability of the service also called uptime. There are lots of alternatives available to choose from on the web.

To test the reliability, Royal pingdom carried out the test for four months (from 10th November 2008 to 10th March 2009). A site is considered as down if, in two different locations, could not be loaded in 30 seconds or gave the type errors 4xx or 5xx. The report is as shown below:

Uptime report

Uptime report

TypePad was the winner, used by companies like BBC and Sky News, with maximum efficiency in four months, this service was down for only 14 minutes. In the second place, there is tie between rivals WordPress.com and Blogger, both just 20 minutes not available.

On average, the three services leaders were barely 5 minutes per month off the air, representing a 99.99% reliability. Windows Live Spaces ranked in fourth place with 4 hours and 10 minutes of trouble.

If someone wants to avoid the bad times, the study shows that he should avoid LiveJournal and Blog.com down for 13 hours and 50 minutes and 36 hours and 15 minutes respectively much high when compared with it’s level of competitors.

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venkat - April 2, 2009

Downtime is 20 minutes for blogger that’s fine ,Genrally blogger is down due to maintanance.If the downtime is more than that ,that’s probelms for bloggers.

    Rohit Langde - April 4, 2009

    @venkat, Not only Uptime matters, Features and usability also counts.
    I too find Blogger, a cool platform to blog in.

Abhishek - April 3, 2009

typepad is really good to use ! but selfhosted wp ki baat hi kuch aur hai !!


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