Windows 8 App Store Website: Online Alternatives to Browse Apps
Alternatives! Why do we need App Store alternatives Online? Whats wrong in Windows 8 inbuilt Apps Store? Is Windows 8 so confusing? Well, there is nothing wrong practically. Sometimes it’s good to have a website online to search for any app you need. Like for Android we have Google Play, for Windows Phone we have Windows Phone Market Place etc.
There is no Windows 8 Online app store as of now though there is a separate webpage dedicated to each app. Hence it actually becomes difficult to find Windows 8 apps online.
The inconvenience that I face is that while working on my browser, I have to keep switching to App Store to search any app. An Online Store solves this problem because I could have browsed apps just in the next browser tab. Moreover, you can send Web URL/Link of the Windows 8 App to your friend who is not using Windows 8. This will allow him to atleast have the description of the app though he cannot use it. Apart from this, the only option remains to Install Metro apps from outside Windows 8 App Store.
So, there is no official app store yet but we can definitely have a look at the 3rd party websites which are maintaining Windows 8 App Store.
Great Windows Apps
Great Windows Apps is an Awesome site to search any Windows 8 app you are looking for. There are several categories you can look into, set search filters and also view apps from top developers.
The New Releases section of this web service lists all the news apps that have been recently released. It explains that there are numerous apps in Windows 8 Store that never make to the inbuilt store list.
While searching for an app, the first thing that we do is see its overall rating. The rating system in Windows 8 inbuilt store is based on your location. Hence, a good app that is less used in your location will get poor ratings. So to overcome this Great Windows Apps takes an overall average of the apps ratings. This feature will help you find many more great apps that you were ignoring previously due to low ratings or reviews.
Downloading the apps is easy, just select the app you want to download. You will land on the download page with ratings and reviews. Click on the download link and it will directly open the app page in Inbuilt Store.
The good point about this web service is that the interface is simply awesome. The app rating and push up system is great to present you with more new and fabulous apps anytime. The only downside (not really) that I could find out was that you cannot set Paid or Free apps in search. Anyways you can always Crack Windows 8 paid apps and use trial as full version apps.
Visit Site: Great Windows Apps
Metro Store
Metro Store offers similar services. Here, the main focus is on app searching. You can find apps for specific countries or set the filter to all countries. By this way, you can lift country restriction on Windows 8 Apps. Searches can be made with specific categories. The best part is you can select to display only new released apps or only the apps that have been changed/ updated.
As I mentioned the main focus is on app searching hence you might not like the interface. It is very simple with just the apps appearing in search. When you click on any app, details will be shown from the official app page. Not much to grab attention but surely it is useful.
Visit Site: Metro Apps
Hopefully, there will be an official Online Windows 8 App store soon in future. Till then these services will be of great help.