Android Notifications on Desktop for Windows, Linux and Mac

If you’re like me, who spend hours and hours sitting and working on PC, or perhaps you are someone who get home, throw your phone in any corner and forget about it, then it is possible that Android Notifier is for you!

Android Notifier is an application that connects your Android phone to desktop in Linux, Windows or Mac and makes notifications show you everything that has come, let it be text messages, phone calls, voice messages, notification of applications, and even notifications from the battery when it is running out.

Android Notifier Windows Linux Mac

To achieve this you must install a client on your operating system (which you can get here in all versions) and install on your Android phone (you can get at the Market under the name “Remote Notifier” )

You simply install and execute the programs. Devices can be connected either via Bluetooth or Wi Fi. I tried it under Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.10 via Wi Fi and it detected IP automatically. Notification Pings were instant and for SMS and Calls you even get name from whom you received it.

The computer application also has options to get as many things as you want, start the program by turning, and decide which notifications you will receive.

This is really useful if you don’t want to miss out any important SMS / Call even if Phone is away. To me, this is really wonderful as I used to came to knew about new notification only when I checked phone which may take hours.

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