Best Anti Keylogger: Because Antivirus isn’t just Enough
Keylogger is worst kind of breach to your privacy and security. Unlike any virus destructing your data or making it unusable, keyloggers send key strokes, windows activity screenshots to hackers silently. This could be anything- passwords, credit card details, anything. They carry on recording your each and every move and send all data without your permission.
As such programs do not hinder or create any annoyance in working, most of the times, they are undetectable. Some of them have a digital signature which easily fools any Antivirus software. To tackle them, you need best Anti Keylogger which prevents recording of key strokes, mouse movements, clipboard, etc.
Based on the forum discussions and ratings on Software sites, I chose Zemana Antilogger and Spy Shelter Premium. Personally, I am using Zemana from a long time and gave a try to Spy Shelter for comparison purpose.
1. Zemana Antilogger
While talking about Anti keylogger, one name that pops up in my mind is Zemana. It has been in the market for a long time now and gained a reputed name. It provides full featured protection modules along with Anti keystroke logging like Anti screen capturing, Web cam recording and copying clipboard data.
System Defense feature actively monitors things such as rootkit installations, thread context, physical memory access, hooks, remote threads, DLL injections, kernel driver loading and system registry modifications.
[sws_highlight hlcolor=”aad97b”]Compatible with most known Antivirus software[/sws_highlight] so that you can use it alongwith your Security suite. Check compatibility test. [sws_button class=”” size=”sws_btn_medium” align=”sws_btn_align_center” href=”” target=”_blank” label=”Download Zemana Antilogger” template=”sws_btn_default” textcolor=”ffffff” fontweight=”normal” bgcolor=”388236″ bgcolorhover=”” glow=”sws_btn_glow” btnwidth=”” textalign=”center”] [/sws_button] [sws_divider_line]2. Spy Shelter Premium
It has all the features of Zemana with some more control and customizations. You can set rules for specific applications or all apps whose keystrokes will be encrypted. Though it is said that encryption driver is compatible, I faced problem on Windows 8 64 Bit. Not just once but [sws_highlight hlcolor=”f2a4b9″]when I enabled encryption, keystrokes went crazy [/sws_highlight]. I was not even able to login Windows because it became impossible to enter password.
It monitors your system and will notify you if anything attempts to modify your registry, start up applications, hard disk or RAM. System Defense guard module acts as a Host Intrusion Prevention System (HIPS) to protect critical areas from code injection such as memory and the registry. Network Spy module protects you during SSL, HTTP, HTTPS, POP, SMTP and FTP interactions.
[sws_button class=”” size=”sws_btn_medium” align=”sws_btn_align_center” href=”” target=”_blank” label=”Download Spy Shelter Premium” template=”sws_btn_default” textcolor=”ffffff” fontweight=”normal” bgcolor=”388236″ bgcolorhover=”” glow=”sws_btn_glow” btnwidth=”” textalign=”center”] [/sws_button] [sws_divider_line]Test Results
To test the security, I exploited some really clever keyloggers in market. So, if the app is able to detect these, you can be sure about protection from free and less powerful ones.
From the above table, you can easily tell that none of them is completely perfect. One thing I noticed that these anti-keyloggers can detect keyloggers when they are in startup process. You get a notification when keylogger process tries to inject or make any move on Windows startup. So, detection can be bypassed if keylogger isn’t in startup list.
When both of them have nearly same detection rate and similar price point, my vote goes to Zemana. Reason is its compatibility and simpler User Interface. Also, the company is more experienced and in the field for long time enough to build trust.