EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Free Review

EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Free is a tool that helps users to recover their lost data. It is capable of recovering the deleted, formatted, lost partition, and RAW partition data. The tool is developed by EaseUS which was founded in 2004.

EaseUS develops tools and utilities that assist users in data backup, data recovery, and disk management. The company has several other tools also. Today, we will test their free version of Data Recovery Wizard software. We will look how easy it is to install and use, the working, the features, then, will conclude the review citing the positive and negative points.

Ease of Installation

The installation of EaseUS Data Recovery software is effortless. You can download it from the website in a single click. It won’t ask your email address or any other details before downloading. However, it only downloads the installer, not the actual software.

EaseUS Data Recovery Installation

When you download the EaseUS Recovery software from the website, you won’t download the actual program but a small installer. Its size is 1.1MB, once you run the installer, it will download the complete software which is around 42MB. After running the installer, it took only two clicks and 5 minutes to install the software on my PC.

EaseUS Data Recovery Tool Installation 2

There is nothing that needs to improve in terms of installation, so here EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Free got the full mark.

The User Interface & Working

The user interface of EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Free is on step by step basis. That’s what a wizard means. Once the installation is complete click on the Start Now button. Now the next window asks for where to look for deleted materials.

Start the Scan

You can select the location by hard disk drives, desktop, recycle bin, and even a particular folder. It also lists the recovery drives. After choosing the location press on the Scan button. You can select only one location for scanning at a time.

I choose my 200GB partition which has 40GB of free space to check how much time it takes to scan, and how much recoverable data it finds on the drive.

It took few seconds to list the deleted files, but it takes around 30 minutes to get all the fragments of those deleted files from the hard drive.


You can easily select the files that you want to recover from the explorer like pane on the left side. There are two main sections, the one is Deleted Files, and another is your entire drive.

The Deleted Files section contains only the files that have been deleted from the location. While the drive section includes all data the deleted and non deleted files.

You can filter the files in Documents, Video, Audio, Graphics, and Email. The more advanced filter allows you to filter the data based on File Type, Modification Time, File Size, and the Initial File Name. The filter is beneficial in finding the desired files.

EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Free Review

You can select the whole folder or particular files for recovering, but not more than 2GB of data. Initially, it will only let you recover 500MB of data, but if you share it on Facebook or Twitter, you can unlock 1.5GB of more recovery data.

Unlock More Data with Sharing

After selecting the files, you can initiate the recovery by clicking on the Recover button. Then, it will ask the location where you want to store the data, provide the location and click on OK. You will see the recovered files once the process is completed.

Recovering while scanning

EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Free has the most straightforward user interface and working. The whole recovery is merely a 3 step process.


Since it is a free version software, so it has limited features. The only significant difference from the paid version and the free one is the limitation of 2GB data. Other than paid versions features are almost similar to the free one.

You can recover all the types of files including photos, documents, emails, compressed files, audio, and video. It is capable of recovering the deleted and formatted data from different loss situations.

You can also preview the files before recovering them. The preview helps you in not recovering the unnecessary files and save your cap data.

It works effectively on different devices like PC, HDD, SSD, USB, digital devices, RAID, storage media, etc. EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Free is capable of recovering data from the lost partitions as well. It also lets you export or imports the scanning result.

Final Verdict

EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Free is a powerful tool. It is capable of recovering the files after a hard disk failure error. It is even capable of recovering the RAW partition. The user interface of this tool is perfectly designed which doesn’t confuse the users. It is easy to install and use. The various filters and search box helps you to find the desired file that you want to recover. The explorer view lets you easily select multiple files from different folder to retrieve at once. Overall it is a perfect recovery tool.

The only downside of this tool is the 500MB cap. You can share it on social media to increase the cap upto 2GB, but even that is not enough. It is not the case with Recuva recovery tool. So the final verdict is that EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Free is a great tool to recover lost files but only small files such as documents. If you want to recover big files like audio or video, then you might need to purchase the Pro version of this tool.

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