Share on Orkut button for Blogger and WordPress blogs
Here comes the another feature of new orkut which I think would be very useful to Bloggers. Like Share on Twitter buttons and others like Twitter, Digg,etc. Orkut too released its API and now you can have share on orkut button on any blogging platform like WordPress and Blogger aka Blogspot Blogs.
Let’s get started with How to add Share on Orkut button in your blogpost, at the end of blog posts.
How to add Share on Orkut button on Blogger / Blogspot Blogs
Go to Edit HTML tab under Layout of Blogger — Expand Widget Templates
Press CTRL+F and find </head> Now, just above or before this paste the following code.
<!--orkut share starts here-->
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
google.load('orkut.share', '1');
google.setOnLoadCallback(function() {
var params = {};
params[google.orkut.share.Field.TITLE] = '<data:blog.pageName/>';
params[google.orkut.share.Field.DESTINATION_URL] = '<data:blog.url/>';
var connection = new google.orkut.share.Connection(params);
document.getElementById('orkut-share').onclick =
function(e) { connection.send('', {}); };
}, true);
<!--orkut share end-->
Now find <div class=’post-footer-line post-footer-line-1′> and add this code immediately after it
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'> <span id="orkut-share" style="cursor:pointer; border:1px solid black"> <img src=""/> </span> </b:if>
You have successfully added share on orkut button blogger, Thanks to bloggerstop who shared this tip. Now you can see orkut share button below each post. You can see live demo of it on Musicalblast
How to add Share on Orkut button on WordPress blog
Comparing to Blogger, its somewhat easier to add share on orkut button on self hosted WordPress Blogs.
There is a Share on Orkut WordPress plugin which makes it very easy to do it but why add a plugin for such a small thing and increase load on webpage when you can do it simply by adding a code.
<a href="<?php the_title(); ?>&du=<?php the_permalink() ?>"> <img src=""> </a>
Done! You can see its live demo below this post and do you mind sharing it on orkut? This is made simple using GET Method of Orkut API. You will see share button like this and when you click on it- another page opens similar to screenshot below:
Just click share and it will be posted to orkut successfully. You need to be login to your orkut account to make this happen. When you look at your Orkut Homepage, it will appear like this:
This was the feature that New orkut was missing which Facebook had since its launch. The above screenshots refers to new orkut, if you are still on old orkut then, update will however not be published but instead there will be orkut promote of the blog post you shared which looks like this:
For new Orkut users, you can choose to promote it too and share via update also with friends. If you need
My Verdict: It is overall an useful feature and especially for Indian bloggers whose main traffic source is India can avail great benefit from this as Orkut is most popular social network and have a greater impact than any other thing. For, readers who are following my Beginner’s blogging guide series and looking for some traffic and loyalr reader base, this tool is recommended for them.