How to Compete With Your Fellow Bloggers

Till date more than 50 million blogs have been posted on the internet. Now a day, blogs comprise a major aspect of the internet besides the giant social networking sites like Facebook, most of the internet is built by Bloggers. That is why there is a line which has become immensely  popular among the bloggers :

We build the internet while you sleep. We are the web entrepreneurs, we are the bloggers.”

The source of this quote is not known but one can see it in the picture format of every blogger’s profile. These days, everyone wants to be a blogger because everyone perceives writing blogs to be an easy task because we all know that blogging brings with it the treasure of riches and joys.

compete fellow bloggers strategies

That is why everyone wants to enter into this infinite and indefinite pool of blogging to reap these benefits of blogs. This is why the competition among bloggers is increasing.

Well, there are supposed to be some unwritten rules of Bloggers like every blogger is a friend of the other, no blogger directly insults another blogger, no country or religion criticizes the bloggers. But there is an old saying in Hindi –

Agar Ghoda Ghas se Dosti Karega to Khayega kya

The above quote literally means, if a horse becomes fond of grass then what it will eat. We all are colleagues and friends but everyone wants success. So the big question is ‘how to tackle your competitor to get success.’

Well, some people might think that this post is outrageously aggressive. They might be the ones to dislike it but the fact remains true.

Now, coming to the point; How to compete with your fellow bloggers. Following are some points which one should read very carefully.

Be Updated and Focused

1.  Try to be updated with the world especially with the news of Internet related matters. Focus on the Search Engine Optimization actions that occur especially if some actions are taken by Google.

2. Stay connected with the big tech firms to have the latest information about the upcoming gadgets. Twitter is one good way to get connected with the big firms. Some important and popular faces of Twitter are –

  1. Matt Cutts  (Head of Web Spam Team at Google) – @mattcutts
  2. Andy Bailey  (Founder of Comment Luv)  –  @CommentLuv
  3. Rand Fishkin  (CEO of SEOMOZ) – @randfish
  4. Danny Sullivan (Editor, SEL)  – @dannysullivan

3. Also, Connect with your competitors on all possible social platforms where they are active so that do not miss anything.

Track your Competitors

Always monitor your competitors. Keep a track of what they are cooking on their blog and try to find out what strategies they are using to kill you. If you are a blogger then you need to work as a spy too.

Not just a spy, a smart spy. Try to hide your strategies because you are not the only spy in this field.  Everyone wants success.

Shield Yourself from Malicious Attacks

Always create a shield of information around yourself to prevent yourself from the external malicious attacks. Just remember that everyone wants success and for that, others may use some dangerous and malicious tactics to kill your blog. These tactics may include passing of back links containing vulgar content towards your web pages, invalid click activity to bring down your Adsense account.

Successful bloggers have lots of enemies serious competitors. The best method to protect yourself is to analyze your website from tools like Google Analytics (A free tool that helps to completely and deeply analyze your web page).

If you happen to find unnatural linking to your site which were not built by you, Google allows to disavow them.

Present Innovative Content to Readers

unique contentGoogle always says that they give good ranks to those web pages whose blogs have content which is unique. Unique and innovative content always plays a key role in the success of a blogger.

There are lots of web pages which have been written on similar kinds of information with variation of keywords and format. Guys, readers already have that information. Your readers always want something new and innovative. They will get turned off by reading the same old content which has been presented in a new format.

And last but not the least:

Do Experiments with Your Work

Success comes only to those who do experiments with their work. Everyone knows how to set up a blog, how to write article, how to set keyword and how to get a good rank.

But only those bloggers get success that do experiments because doing experiments make you aware about the tactics which you can use to make your blog a new sensation. Although sometimes, it fails, but then at least you get to know what fails.

So this is it guys.  I just want to say that work hard, don’t cheat and move up positively. I will welcome your views on this post in the comment section.

Author Bio: – Rudraksh Pathak is a student of Computer Science Engineering. He blogs about Social Media and technology at Tekdig and Techtial.

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 19 comments
Tushar - February 11, 2013

Interesting take and I must appreciate you for one sentence that covers this entire topic: “Success comes only to those who do experiments with their work.”

Thanks for sharing and best wishes 🙂

    Rohit Langde - February 11, 2013

    Good to see your comment, Tushar.

    If it was not for experiments, Blogsolute could have never gained back its rankings after Panda update. And believe me, we are still experimenting with various stuffs on-page as well as off-page.
    I think good competitor of mine would be already aware of this thing 😉

Resham Panth - February 11, 2013

Great Info Brother.. You Always help me stay updated 😀
Thank You…

    Rohit Langde - February 11, 2013

    That’s my pleasure Resham.
    I should have added ‘’ too below the list of useful Tweeples 😉

Nihar - February 11, 2013

Great post Rohit.

I just noticed in google that the meta description that we give in SEO plugin isn’t coming but the first 1 or 2 lines of the post is coming.

Are you aware of this? same is happening for my blog. So, my most of the old posts is picking the first 1 or 2 sentences which aren’t catchy compared to my SEO Meta Description.

Please throw light on this.

    NIhar - February 14, 2013

    Hi Rohit, Can you check my previous comment and respond when you are free.


    Rohit Langde - February 16, 2013

    Hello Nihar,
    The Meta description which you see in Google Search snippets highly depends on the keyword you are looking for.
    Google does take the Meta info provided using SEO plugin into account but the description shown will vary with keyword.

Gagan Masoun - February 20, 2013

I am new to Blogsolute but enjoying a lot here. I am big fan of Matt cutts. Love his all videos on webmaster YouTube channel.

    Rohit Langde - February 20, 2013

    Good to know that Gagan, We often cover topics on Blogging. Hope, you will like it and don’t forget to subscribe for Email newsletter 🙂

yogesh - February 27, 2013

A great piece of information rohit. . .i visited first time to your blog. But i can say that after reading your article it change the way of thinking.

Avnish Gautam - March 14, 2013

To compete with your fellow bloggers try to be unique and more creative in writing is also very great tips for those bloggers who is willing to win.

Justin Germino - March 21, 2013

I haven’t found myself in a situation where those in the same niche or other bloggers sought to send malicious attacks or negative SEO as a method to outdo or hurt my site/reputation. I hope to never be in that scenario and I know several who have had it happen to them and don’t envy them.

    Rohit Langde - March 22, 2013

    Are you serious Justin? That’s really sad. People using things like DDOS attack and Negative SEO to hurt others in order to rise, totally unethical blogging practice. Motive of article is to how to stay ahead of them in more professional ways.
    Personally, I have stopped considering anyone as my competitor, it is pointless. For me, Blogging is more of co-operation than competition.

      Justin Germino - March 22, 2013

      I completely hear you about not seeing others as competitors, I never considered other bloggers competitors, we are all peers looking for audience, ways to learn, grow…etc. As a blogger, sure most of us affiliate sell other products and some may sell our own products, but I don’t and don’t see competition. Opinions are like snowflakes, all unique and individual, so even 10 blogs who write about the same exact subject may have different insights, opinions and the same readers may visit 2 or three sites on the same subject to get information.

gautham - May 19, 2013

I must say, this is one of the most impressive blog designs i’ve come across, its so simple and clean, love it!

rohit - May 21, 2013

hey, thanks for this post, it gives lots of info about my site. thanks brother

Ajinkya - October 13, 2013

I am impressed with your straight forward thoughts on this important issue to help bloggers.

Itender Rawat - January 22, 2014

Good Piece of Information for we Bloggers 😀 And Yes the Blogsolute Theme is Cool 🙂

    Rohit Langde - January 22, 2014

    Thanks Itender. Much appreciated!


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