How to Connect LG Mobiles to PC Internet via GPRS
Connecting some LG Mobile phones to Internet using computer via GPRS is real pain but it’s no more because you have step by step simple tutorial to accomplish it.
LG Mobiles provides best value for money when compare with Nokia Mobiles. The reason is simple, LG facilitate us by providing same (or even more) functionality with much lower cost than what Nokia does. But when we talk regarding GPRS internet connectivity, LG is inferior! As LG PC suit come with very few LG mobiles , User always have problem to connect to PC or Laptops for GPRS internet connection and the problem is worst in case of lower price LG mobiles.
Problem of such LG users will end here after reading this post. Here, I am giving you a tutorial for connecting LG C2500 (most popular) mobile to internet. Also, LG G1800 , C2600, 1100, C2200, C3300, C3320, C3100, C1400 and many other mobiles can be connected in same fashion.
Step I:
First of all You must have modem driver of your mobile phone. Download usb2ser_2k modem file now (2kb). This file will support all LG ‘C’ series mobiles plus all common LG cells . As I said earlier I am considering LG C2500 as an example but remember any LG phone can be connected in this fashion. More, You can get Modem drivers of any LG mobile phones from nearest LG service centre. If you don’t have that file go and bring it now.
Save your LG C2500 modem driver file to any FOLDER of your PC say D:\LG C500 DRIVER
Plug your data cable to PC , your mobile screen will show COM PORT and MASS STORAGE option, Select com port from there. Now, You will see New Hardware found Wizard as follow,
Step II :
After clicking on Next button in Found New Hardware Wizard, your PC will demand path for modem driver software. Browse appropriate location folder where you stored that usb2ser_2k.inf file.

Connect LG Mobile to Internet
Step III :
Your PC will start installing modem to windows directory. Please be patient here this process may take 6-8 minutes. Wait until it gets complete. This will complete your modem driver installation.
Step IV:
For creating new modem Click on start -> Go to Control Panel-> Go to Phone and Modem. New user will see country code no. Choose right country and phone no.
Indian people should choose 91. Note: This step is just formality. As shown in fig click on ADD. Don’t get confused by VTA Telecom USB modem its my modem for BSNL Internet.
Step V:
Select on Don’t detect my modem and just proceed for next step.
Step VI:
From Standard Modem Types go for Standard 33600 bps modem and Click on next.
Step VII:
Now your PC will ask for Com port to select. If you are unaware of your Com Port where you Plugged Data Cable just select all port otherwise particular port could have been chosen.
Step VIII :
List for all Modem ports will be displayed on screen that no of Ports varied from PC to PC. Now the Modem which don’t have ‘#’ included in name is your Original Modem.
Click on properties of that Modem.
Step IX:
This is Most important and Final step of this tutorial. 90 % people do make the mistake here.
Click on ‘advance’ bar at top of properties. You will see an empty box of initialization commands here you have to put initialization command of your Internet Service Provider. If you don’t know it contact your customer care.

LG Modem Initialization Code
Airtel user can put following commands
Press OK . Finally, You have to create Dial up Internet connection which I had explained in my earlier post.