9 Mistakes that show you are still a Newbie in Blogosphere

When we start something new, we commit Mistakes; Some comic while some innocent. The Web is no exception, I have collected some 9 such wrong things being practiced by newbies that expose them as a rookie especially in Blogosphere.

newbie blogger

1. Wrong Linking

Make a link is the first challenge while writing an article and regularly do poorly. As a rookie you link to the typical anchor text reading “click here” and in the worst, put the URL as text without link.

Solution: Learn How to link in proper way.

2. Unoptimized images

Find Giant resized images in wysiwyg editor, images of poor quality or excessive weight are also clues that show our inexperience on the web.

Solution: Use an image editor, desktop or online to make your images the right size and a balance of quality and weight. Use Lossless image compression tool or try search box to find Imaging softwares.

3. Stealing content!

Although there are people who deliberately steal content, there are also people who play the content from another blog or website through lack of use and licensing terms. People not involved in-depth internet has the perception that “everything is free on internet but that’s partly true, there is free content and fully protected.

Solution: Read the basics of licensing and terms of use, while choosing the permission to include it in your content.

4. Using the terminology wrong

RSS, tweet, usability, CSS, widgets, gadgets, URI, blogroll, FTP, snippets … are some examples of the many terms that are used in web and a good rookie really do not know its meaning and use them in improper way.

Solution: If you are using a word which is not 100% sure these consultation before Google and Wikipedia and possibly for an example.

5. Link Exchange Request on first interaction

Link exchanges are a good way to start a network of contacts in the blogosphere. It’s good to build relation and stay in community but asking for link exchange at first meet is something wrong.

Solution: Ask for Link exchange only to someone of your niche or the blog similar to your topic. Well, you can start it with your friends but don’t expect it from the giants of blogosphere.

6. Hit Counters and Web Analytics

I remember, it was a fashion to show off Hit Counters in various ways on the webpage when I entered here. But Visitor Count is more of decorative element than statistics system.

Solution: Use Google Analytics or StatCounter for complete Web statistics of your Blog.

7. Too Long Domain Name

When you start, URL looks like a little thing and in search of available domain name, we get too long URL or complex one to remember.

Solution: Take your time to choose the correct domain or subdomain name of your site, try to be short, memorable and enjoyable.

8. I will lose pagerank for outbound Links

When we begin reading a bit of SEO, we see the importance of links and begins to form the idea that we lose pagerank by linking, something further from the truth, you link to external sites in the SEO benefits, but above it lets you create contacts and to gain visitors, you get to know many people and blogs because you link them.

Solution: Link without thinking much about SEO and do more thinking on the value for your readers. Still not convinced, read article Do Outbound Links Matter for SEO by Darren Rowse.

9. Sidebar Full of Useless items

Adding various widgets always fascinated me while being on Blogspot. I thought it may interest my readers to see flashy clock, Currency Convertor and other excessive banners which were of no use but just increased the weight of my page resulting into slow page loading.

Surely a blog is a personal space in which we can put whatever we like, but based on the idea that creating a blog is so that more people read our ideas, well worth considering your potential visitors and make a stay more pleasant.

Solution: Think twice whether it is essential for your blog or helpful for your readers? try experimenting the loading time with and without those elements. You will end up leaving only the necessary ones.

Image Credit : KnuckleBuster

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 16 comments
Engineer Head - November 15, 2009

A well written and thought provoking article.
Also some guideline to be a more Ethical

Blogging Tutorial - November 15, 2009

Blogsolute very nice and informative post. You are right. We have to concentrate on original content+ Image optimization+ Links and ethics
That is the key to success in blogging.

Ruchi - November 16, 2009

Great article, Never thought of some mistakes which might be harmful for getting page ranking and number of visitors low. Thanks for sharing .

Tech-Freak Stuff - November 17, 2009

Blogger spending a fairly log time can even do this mistakes. I would better call them SILLY mistakes. Anyways, Good points and it shows that you are not among the starters..

Chris Jensen - November 18, 2009

You have to be careful. There are so many things that internet marketers do that can get them in trouble. Even if you think that you are doing the right thing, it is still good to have a lawyer look over the things that you do to ensure that you never have to worry about being in the wrong.

Dena: New Jersey Storage Companies - November 23, 2009

These are pretty basic “errors” and anyone that has done any significant blogging should really be aware that they are not working correctly. Of course, I can’t slam newbies for jumping in, but after some time they should know better.

George Serradinho - November 24, 2009

Nice tips you mentioned. i have tried to keep my sidebar clean as possible and I have better linking now. Optimizing my images has always been high on my list, I hate visiting a site which takes for ever to load. Currently my blog is using my surname which I don’t think is to long.

Vivek Bandebuche - November 25, 2009

hi there,

he you tel that “Sidebar Full of Useless items”

can you suggest those atome in short for my blogger blog


    Rohit Langde - November 25, 2009

    @vivek bandebuche, See, you should only keep items which seems to be useful for your readers. Nothing flashy content to increase load on page. I would suggest you to keep Recent article widget, Popular posts and Archives in Blogger Blog.

Vivek Bandebuche - November 25, 2009

As a new blogger, outbound links do make some bloggers aware that you exist. But most of the time, I just use them as references.

Karl Foxley - November 26, 2009

You’ve raised some very interesting points.

Regarding #2 Yahoo’s Smush.it will help people who don’t know how to optimize their images themselves and if you are using WordPress you can install a plugin that will automatically run your images through Smush.it for you (I covered this in a recent post on my site).

I get #5 all the time and often from people that haven’t even taken the time to read a blog entry but have gone straight for my contact form.

Thanks for sharing,


Mr. I - November 27, 2009

Well, that’s quite a good list. Another thing that shows that someone is still rookie is re-designing the blog every 2-3 months. I find it really irritating when people keep changing designs.

    Rohit Langde - November 27, 2009

    @Mr. I, Yep, I should I have added it as 10th point 🙂
    Actually at initial stages, we often get fascinated by new themes coming up daily and cannot resist to wear it on blog. Sometimes, you are just not satisfied with all the features you have on existing one.

      Sunny Bhasin - December 4, 2009

      I do not completely agree with Mr.I because at the start ups we use the themes which are already being used by others and later to make the blog more unique and creative we switch to next theme 😉

      As we are blogging we could come across some more themes which can be used for increasing loading speed,making money ….etc and then we usually tend to change the theme.

Shelia Bensen - June 26, 2010

I have been looking up all kinds of techniques to try and work on search engine optimization for my sites. I have attempted using article distribution companies, content spinners, profile links, you name it. So I appreciate the posts here on your blog.


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