TuneUp Utilities 2014 Review. Chance to Win Free Serial Keys

Keep your Windows installation like new with TuneUp Utilities. There are number of optimization utility software out there for Windows. Among them TuneUp Utilities stands apart from the crowd. It’s one of the best Windows Utility, I have ever used.

TuneUp comes from the makers of AVG Antivirus and is regularly Updated. Every year they come up with new version with drastic improvements and new features as compared to their previous versions. Not only yearly updates, regular updates and bug fixes are also there. It has won over 400 International Awards.

TuneUp Utilities 2014 Price & Download



TuneUp Utilities is a paid software. It costs $49.95 and $29.95 (if you are upgrading from any previous version). The latest version is TuneUp Utilities 2014 and it is compatible with – Windows XP/7/8/8.1 Variants. You can head over the trial version but it only comes with One Click Maintenance Feature. To unlock all features, you have to buy it. Installation method for Trial Users and Full version Users is almost same.

[sws_ui_toggle title=”Win Free TuneUp Utilities 2014 Serial Key in Giveaway” closed=”false” jui_theme=”ui-smoothness” duration=”500″] Winners announced on 25 Mar 2014

1. Rodney
2. Noel
3. Eleonora [/sws_ui_toggle]


Download TuneUp Utilities from official website link given below.

[sws_button_icon_ui label=”TuneUp Utilities 2014 ” href=”http://www.tune-up.com/” ui_theme=”ui-smoothness” icon=”ui-icon-circle-arrow-s” target=”_blank”] [/sws_button_icon_ui] [sws_yellow_box box_size=”600″] Note: There is only one Installer for 32 & 64 Bit Windows. [/sws_yellow_box]

 TuneUp Utilities 2014 Installation

The installation process is almost same as installing any other software. You can perform a full installation which is completely automated. All you need to do is “Accept Terms & Conditions” and click on “Next“. Optionally you can do a custom installation.

In this method you will get the choice to change installation directory and select Context Menu entries made by TuneUp. Once done, proceed with the installation.

tuneup 2014 installation

Once installation is completed. Two shortcut icons will be created on your desktop. Start TuneUp Utilities and it will ask you to Check for updates.

TuneUp Utilities 2014 Features

TuneUp Utilities 2014 bundles tons of features which will help you to keep your Windows PC get going. I will be showing you each and every feature, so that you people can make use of it effectively. Also, I will be sharing my experience with you.

Starting with, TuneUp 1 Click Maintenance. After installation you will see an icon on your desktop. Double click it to start quick maintenance. One Click Maintenance, will perform all tasks of TuneUp Utilities in just one click.

TuneUp One Click Maintenance

TuneUp One Click Maintenance just performs quick optimization. For deep optimization and advanced results you can use other features of TuneUp Utilities 2014. Just start the TuneUp Utilities and you are ready to go.

Clean up

When TuneUp Utilities 2014 is started, you will be taken to the clean-up tab. Clean up optimizes Windows Files and Programs which is helpful to gain more disk space and fasten your computer’s performance. In this section we will go through each aspect of cleaning TuneUp provides.

tune up utilities clean up

[sws_ui_toggle title=”Quick Reading (Click to open)” closed=”true” jui_theme=”ui-smoothness” duration=”500″] This Module allows you to quickly clean junk files and residues. Optionally you can find and remove duplicate files. Review large files that are hogging hardisk space. [/sws_ui_toggle]
  • Clean up Windows and programs option helps gaining more disk space. Click “open” to start optimizing Windows Files and Programs. Tick all areas where you want the optimization to be done. Click Clean button and TuneUp will start the optimization process.
  • Clean up browser option helps you to optimize installed browsers. This will remove browser’s history, saved passwords, cookies, auto-fill data and browser’s cache also. It is recommended to uncheck Saved passwords field. This will prevent TuneUp from deleting your saved passwords in installed browsers. You may uncheck other fields if you want.
  • Remove broken shortcuts feature removes all broken shortcuts on your computer. Using this feature all leftover broken shortcuts will be removed from your computer permanently.
  • Disable Windows functions can be used to disable all unused Windows functions. Functions, which takes a lot of disk space, so disabling them is always a good option.
  • Find and remove duplicate files used to remove duplicate files on your computer. Duplicate files are not good for your computer’s health. Finding and deleting duplicate files is always a pain but this feature does it very well. Some duplicate files maybe important for you. So make sure, you take a look at – What you are deleting?

For example- You have Dropbox installed on your computer. You have a file named Future Plans.doc in your computer and on Dropbox also. It will show you those files also. So make sure, to take a look before deleting. TuneUp scans all areas of your computer and finds all duplicate files. Remove the duplicate files accordingly.

  • Find and delete large amount of data is used to find large files on your computer and delete them permanently. Helps in gaining more disk space and create a room for new files. Large files on your computer can be your movies, TV shows, data backup and other important things. Use this feature carefully. In case you mess up with this feature, you may delete your important files.

tune up disk analysis

Select drive you want to analyze for large files and data. Click Next to start the process.  As you can see, most of the large files are movies. You can analyze and delete files from here.

  • Securely Delete data – When you delete any file from your computer, it goes to recycle bin. Even, if you have used Shift + Del. Still, that file is recoverable. To permanently throw away files from your computer, use this feature. Files deleted by this program are not recoverable. It is particularly helpful when you want to destroy an amount of information which is private.

Once you click “Next.” TuneUp will start deleting files from your selected location. Now, that is all about Clean up options in TuneUp Utilities 2014.

Fix Problems

Fix Problems option in TuneUp Utilities helps in fixing common problems which can occur while using Windows.

tune up fix problems

[sws_ui_toggle title=”Quick Reading (Click to Open)” closed=”true” jui_theme=”ui-smoothness” duration=”500″] Primary functionality of this module is to provide fixes to commonly faced problems. You can also check for Hardisk Errors, restore deleted files, manage running processes and view System information. [/sws_ui_toggle]
  • Fix common problems like- Icons are displayed incorrectly, Recycle Bin icon is no longer displayed, Taskbar cannot be displayed etc. You can easily fix these problems with this feature of TuneUp Utilities.

Select the problem which you are facing. Click “Next” and your problem is resolved. These are the problems which most of the users face most of the time. You may not find all problems, because you never know – Which problem occurs suddenly at a given point of time.

  • Check Hard disk for errors is a very useful option. It prevents bad sectors on your Hard Drive. Do this optimization, thrice a month can prevent your hard disk from bad sectors and failure. TuneUp says my hard drive don’t have any errors. But if you drive has then select Normal Analysis and optimize your drives. TuneUp will remove all the errors in one go.
  • Restore Deleted Files – As the name suggests, it is used to restore/recover permanently deleted files. Which are deleted using Shift + Del or from recycle bin?

Use restoring search criteria to filter your search. You can give extension of the file. For example – .TXT, .DOC, .MKV etc. You can also search for 0 byte files by selecting the option Search for 0 byte size files. You can also refine your search by file’s condition.

Once, the search is completed. TuneUp will show you all deleted files from your specified location.

Select the file you want to restore and click on Restore button. TuneUp will ask you – if you want to restore the file at its original location or you want to specify an alternate location.

  • Display and close running process – Close running process and save memory for other programs. This feature will let you display and close programs without opening the Windows default Task Manager.
  • Show system information is used to display complete information of your computer like- Hardware in use, Software information etc.


Tuneup personalize

[sws_ui_toggle title=”Quick Reading (Click to Open)” closed=”true” jui_theme=”ui-smoothness” duration=”500″] This module allows you to personalize Windows appearance and behavior. It plays an Important role where you have the option to customize application behavior. Additionally TuneUp Styler helps you to modify Windows appearance.     [/sws_ui_toggle]

Personalize option helps you to personalize Windows experience. It helps users to apply various themes and icon sets. You can use default themes comes with TuneUp Utilities. And you can also download themes from TuneUp website.

  • Personalize options and behaviors – You can change Windows animation effects, menu appearance and other visual things with this feature. This is a DIY feature because every person has its own taste of themes and animation.
  • Personalize the appearance of Windows – With this feature you can apply icon sets, themes, animations and modify the look of whole Windows. You can also download themes from TuneUp Website and use them inside TuneUp Styler.



[sws_ui_toggle title=”Quick Reading (Click to read)” closed=”true” jui_theme=”ui-smoothness” duration=”500″] In this module, you can optimize Windows speed and get maximum system power to the task at hand. Disable unused resource hungry applications and disable unnecessary startup applications.  [/sws_ui_toggle]

This is most powerful feature of TuneUp Utilities. You can disable installed programs, disable start-up programs, uninstall installed programs, configure automatic optimization, clean registry, defragment registry, optimize system start-up and shutdown and defragment hard disk.

  • Disable programs – You can disable those programs which are not frequently used. It helps in faster performance of your computer. Whenever, you want to use any disabled program you can easily enable it.
  • Disable Startup program – It helps in reducing boot time of your Windows PC. You can disable startup programs which will help in reducing boot time. Disabled startup program will load after system startup or whenever you want.
  • Uninstall programs – You can uninstall installed programs with this feature. Not so different from default windows uninstaller.
  • Configure Live Optimization – You can configure Live Optimization for automatic 1 click maintenance at specified intervals. It is enabled by default. You just have to specify the optimization time.
  • Clean Registry – Clean orphan registry files with this feature of TuneUp Utilities. It optimizes Windows Registry for better performance.

Once you click Start Cleaning button. TuneUp will start optimizing the registry files.

  • Defragment Registry – Helps you to defragment windows registry files. It fixes Windows Database gaps and prevents error.
  • Optimize system startup and shutdown – Want to improve startup and shutdown time. This feature of TuneUp Utilities can help you. Just start it and accept all recommendations from TuneUp Utilities and that’s about it.

I take very good care of my PC. That’s why TuneUp is not showing any recommendations. But, your case can be different. If, TuneUp shows you any recommendations then accept it for better optimizations and results.

  • Defragment Hard Disk – Far better as compared to default Windows Drive Defragmenter. Rearranges data blocks on Hard Disk and helps in faster loading of programs and documents.


From Dashboard you can check optimization reports. Switch between various modes and configure them for maximum results. Dashboard also has Flight Mode. It switches off Bluetooth and Wi-Fi of your PC. Dashboard also shows Recommendations. You can accept recommendations for more optimization.


You can switch between Economy, Standard and Turbo mode. These modes are configured by default. You can configure them according to your requirements. These settings may vary from user to user depending on factors like System Specifications and Internet speed.

All Functions


You can control All Functions of TuneUp Utilities from this tab. I have shown you each and every option. For ease of access, you can directly go to All Functions tab.

My Experience with TuneUp Utilities 2014

The best thing about TuneUp is that it is totally automated. All I had to do is, setup the functionality according to my needs. It provides all the necessary recommendations and changes needed. The UI was very simple and it is a great improvement over the previous versions. It covers all aspects of Windows Pc maintenance. After using Tuneup Utilities I can feel the difference in my Pc’s performance. Now its faster and more responsive.

In my opinion TuneUp Utilities should include Driver Updater tool and Game Booster in future versions. Well, it will be nice to have it because updated drivers do make a lot of difference when performance is in spot light. TuneUp already provides live optimization and Turbo mode but a Game booster with recommendations will be of great help for gamers struggling to get the peak performance.

TuneUp Utilities 2014 is one of the best Windows Software, I have ever used. It’s worth spending $49.95 on TuneUp Utilities 2014 if you are frustrated with your slow system. Share your thoughts via Comments.

About Aakash Rohilla (Author): Geek by nature, Blogger at TechQub and Movie Freak. An Engineering Student. Batman worshiper having a relationship with Internet. Programmer, Hacker & Workaholic.

Click Here to Leave a Comment Below 106 comments
vik - March 13, 2014

I am interested.

lmddziedzic - March 13, 2014

Super program.

Jan Nowak - March 13, 2014

Great review Rohit. Please count me in, Thanks!

Linu - March 13, 2014

This is super all in one software plus the additional themes for pc is great to give the pc an optimization on every level. Would like to win a key. Thanks for the giveaway.

Mike M - March 13, 2014

You did a very good review of all the Tuneup options.

Mohammad Wasiullah - March 13, 2014

Thanks for giveaway please count me in hope i will get one license of this awesome maintenance tool.

Ajay - March 13, 2014

I’ve been using the older version of TuneUp for quite a while now. It’s extremely effective and definitely does a tonne of cleaning. The best part that I like is that you can just schedule it and forget about it and it does the work weekly in the background.

Aryan - March 13, 2014

This is a great piece of software. It is seemlessly integrated into your computing experience, speeds up your entire system, gets rid of junk, optimizes nearly unlimited areas, and even has a nice GUI. This is software you would NOT be wasting your money on. Definitely a great product

wert33 - March 13, 2014


a good software!

djgroove - March 13, 2014

best software

Cool - March 13, 2014

I would love to participate. Please do count me in too! Thank in advance

lenzbong - March 13, 2014

hi, i use tu since 97, nearly every version, i would win a key for the newest one.

Pivoman - March 13, 2014

Please count me in.

Rodney - March 13, 2014

i have used TuneUp Utilities before older version i got in giveaways online from other techblogs over the last few years now TuneUp comes from the makers of AVG Antivirus it did not have this in older versions it was good then it is even better now with a lot more better features i have used other utilities like this that are freeware like ccleaner free version iobit advanced systemcare free version it has lots of features for a free utilities product but tune up utilities 2014 has better & different features then iobit asc free, , & ccleaner free & wisecare 365 free, i have also used iolo system mechanic free version but it lacks a lot of features you only get in there professional versions & tune up utilities has allways been shareware not freeware so i hope i do win a serial key for this very good not freeware software that is very hard to win in giveaways i have been trying since this tune up utilities 2014 came out so far i have not won i hope i do here finally thank you for the chance to enter & maybe win this time a license

Jerry Rainwater - March 13, 2014

Very good program. Have 2010 version,could use upgrade. Count me in.

terry - March 13, 2014

Please count me in on the giveaway.

mieszko - March 14, 2014

Thank you! Very useful software!

Anna L - March 14, 2014

Very good tool for PC. Count me in. 🙂

Uself1972 - March 14, 2014

Nice app. Nice giveaway. Count me in. Thanks.

TorVic - March 14, 2014

Thank you so much for the giveaway!

vinayak - March 14, 2014

still using tune up 2009 . want to use 2014.

Varun - March 14, 2014

Tune Up 🙂 I want that

kasan - March 14, 2014

very Good and the Best software.

Sayan Datta - March 14, 2014

Used this software for last 2 years. Effective and Efficient for my laptop and PC both. Easy to use and less memory consuming software. Looking forward to use Version 2014,

Dharmendra - March 14, 2014

It’s awesome for my pc to get rid off my daily routine task with ease. Never forget to keep in my pc. The new feature is great.

christo chiramukhathu - March 14, 2014

As AVG is one of the foremost antivirus software, hope the product from same manufaturers will be up to their standard. I downloaded it for varification.

Keeping windows as functional as the first installation day is a good matter. But when, later garbages are add in registry and system folders, the system performance will become dull.

Hope TuneUp Utilities 2014 would be good solution for it. Also I would request to include me also in list of users having free serial key.

Thanking you

Christo Chiramukhathu

Thamza - March 14, 2014

I used it back then. Count me in for this new version, thanks.

Harry - March 14, 2014

All in all TuneUp utilities is a great software that can help your free up your disk space and clean up your registry.

k abhilash varma - March 14, 2014

i am in

Fasola - March 14, 2014

Very interesting program worth recommending.

Horváth József - March 14, 2014

Nagyon tetszik már régóta használom a 2012 es verziót

metin - March 14, 2014

good job.

seif eddine - March 14, 2014

thank you for this offer i like tuneup from 2008

pawan - March 14, 2014

yes i want this software….

sanjiv verma - March 14, 2014

Best wishes to engineers. To give contribution in best technology to world.

ha14 - March 14, 2014

TuneUp Utilities 2014 new features are for the best Windows smooth experience, thanks for the contest.

Pardeep - March 14, 2014

I am tune up user since 2009 i worth it the latest tune up 2014 are the best to known no other product like tune up hats off!!! .i like the new program disabling features that very good.

Dandy122 - March 14, 2014

Thanks for the chance to win!

Sanko - March 14, 2014

Great software!
Thanks for the giveaway!

taton - March 14, 2014

Thank you for this great software.
Count me in!

narotam - March 14, 2014


hazem awad - March 14, 2014

thanks very much

vb - March 14, 2014

please count me in!!

Sam Kar - March 14, 2014

thanks, I’m in

seba - March 14, 2014

Thanks for the giveaway .Please count me in

syed aleem - March 14, 2014

great giveaway
best software!

Kalju - March 14, 2014

Thanks! I haven’t wrote here about year. If is possible, please count me also in. I’m subscriber – even don’t remember – from the beginning of time, I think so.
Good day everyone.

carnegie - March 15, 2014

Thanks for awesome giveaway!

Uself1972 - March 15, 2014

Nice app. Nice giveaway. Thanks.

Joe Atkinson - March 15, 2014

i need this is it as good as cc cleaner

han69 - March 15, 2014

Really a great contest, please count me in. Thank You!

ToGor - March 15, 2014

Good and interesting review.
Count me too – pls.
Thx for the chance.

Raj - March 15, 2014

Thanks for this Giveaway. I must say this is super all in one software and I would definitely like to have one.

Bappa - March 15, 2014

Aha. I also want a free key. Right now I am using 2013’s crack version.

barca - March 15, 2014

One click maintanance is very useful tool. Thanks!

yalcin - March 16, 2014

Classic tuning software for every body.

krishna - March 16, 2014

Good Review

Tom - March 16, 2014

Very informative article.. I have used this software.. It really speed up and smmothen your system..

jed - March 17, 2014

I am interested in this giveaway.

Dandy122 - March 17, 2014

Count me in!

makao - March 17, 2014

Really a great contest, please count me in. Thanks!

randalf - March 17, 2014

Thanks, amazing contest! Count me in!

cortina77 - March 17, 2014

Count me in, please! Great giveaway! 🙂

super - March 17, 2014

Great! Count me in! Very useful software! One Click! 🙂

eleonora - March 17, 2014

Thank you, very nice offer!
Count me in.

salvattore - March 18, 2014

Count me in! Cool giveaway!

alcybiad - March 18, 2014

Thank you for a great giveaway

smok13 - March 18, 2014

Great giveawey .Thanks

kukar - March 18, 2014

count me in please..

Sumit Maheshwari - March 18, 2014

Nice Contest …count me in.

Gourav Mittal - March 18, 2014

Great Giveaway !! Thanks 🙂

Sanjok Subba - March 18, 2014

I Love Freebies 😉 so I don’t mind receiving one from an awesome Blog he he he 🙂
PS: Please consider this as my entry to your contest. Cheers!!!

pata - March 18, 2014

Very good program.
Thank you!

Melba - March 18, 2014


Bjourne - March 19, 2014

Great software. Been able to use the 2009 version and it was good 🙂 Surely the 2014 version is a catch!

panamera - March 19, 2014

TuneUp 1 Click Maintenance is the best tool!
Thank you!

madras - March 20, 2014

It would be great to win

ropuc - March 20, 2014

Thank you so much for this great giveaway!

raf - March 20, 2014

Count me in please.

courier - March 20, 2014

thanks for this giveaway! count me in

cervantes - March 20, 2014

Thank you so much for this great giveaway! I have tried 2013 version.

sajmon - March 20, 2014

Thank you very much!

daniel - March 20, 2014

Tried trial version and its seems like any other free ultilities. Hopefully may get the chance to use the full version.

algebra - March 21, 2014

I’d love this software! One click!

ventura - March 21, 2014

Great giveaway!!!
Please count me in.

roscoe - March 22, 2014

thanks and count me in. it is very good multifunctial tool.

lomba - March 22, 2014

Great giveawey .Thanks
Very good tool to keep PC like new.

koltun - March 22, 2014

That’s fantastic! Thanks for the giveaway!

caramel - March 22, 2014

Please count me in.Thanks

tabacco - March 22, 2014

thanks! count me in! nice program!

pass - March 22, 2014

Count me in please! thanks a lot!

tunari - March 22, 2014

Thanks for the giveaway, count me in please

mellos - March 22, 2014

Thank you for this great software.
Count me in!

alberto - March 22, 2014

Very nice! count me in please! thanks!

Jordan - March 22, 2014

Great giveaway for one of the best, if not THE best, system optimizer around!

Vick Silva - March 22, 2014

Only who knows computer efficient to offer this excellent software. We need to work a computer fast each time. This is a great gift.

karkow - March 22, 2014

Nice one. Please count me also.

nortonek - March 22, 2014

Thanks for the great giveaway.

porto - March 23, 2014

Count me in please. Thanks!

ciocia - March 23, 2014

Thanks for this giveaway. Count me in too

noel - March 23, 2014

Hola Robert, saludos desde Puerto Rico, La Isla del Encanto !
Hello Rob, Best regards from Puerto Rico, The Island from Enchantment !

I always received your posts and I read it and shared it with my friends and family… I know you have the passion for technology, keep it going with Blogsolute !
I tried tune up utilities from my olders PC ( xp), and the one click maintenance it’s the best..!
Count on me and my two male sons to work with the new version of tune up 2014, I know it will be the best !

Cuidate mucho y muchas bendiciones,


grander - March 24, 2014

Thanks for giveaway.Please count me in.

casper - March 24, 2014

Thanks a lot. Awesome software.
One click maintanance is very good feature!

kolen - March 25, 2014

Thanks for giveaway.Please count me in.

atozsongspk - April 16, 2014

I always received your posts and I read it and shared it with my friends and family…………………..

Subodh Verma - April 18, 2014

Tuneup Utility is nothing in front of Advance system care . All you have to do is to set it up (Advance system care) and click on Boost system care and it will automatically shows you the problems and hand to hand solves the problems. And another benefit is that Advance system care will provide you the smart RAM compression technology equipped Smart Ram Cleaner according to which if your system is getting heavy at multi-tasking or heavy processing. Just click on deep clean and you will find everything very smooth.


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