Rohit Langde

Author Archives: Rohit Langde

Rohit Langde is Founder and Editor-in-chief of Blogsolute. Tech Blogger by Passion & Profession | Mechanical Engineer by Qualification | Introverted Geek by Choice


Top Indian PPC networks

Apart from Adsense, we try many PPC networks available all over the web. In this post, I’m writing about Indian PPC networks; it doesn’t mean that they are not meant for other foreign publishers, some of them allow others also. Indian publishers will have great benefits using these PPC networks to serve ads on their […]

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Send Secret message to your feed subscribers

Many Bloggers wants to send some message to their feed readers. It may be a notification, asking for suggestions or simply want to run competition or contest on your blog. This trick can be useful for such bloggers. Here are the steps to be followed in order to perform this trick. This trick works on […]

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