Connecting some LG Mobile phones to Internet using computer via GPRS is real pain but it’s no more because you have step by step simple tutorial to accomplish it.
Continue readingMost people around world use Dial up network connection to access internet. In India, BSNL WLL is one of the popular Dial up connection so Make it easy with step by step tutorial for all mobiles.
Continue readingIt’s general thing for all of us that a program which you really like reached it’s end of evaluation period and you are left alone. But, now you can use the trial version forever.
Continue readingIt is unfortunate that Blogger does not include the default option to install a widget or a code to generate a contact form through which visitors to your blog to send requests, suggestions, comments or just compliment you for your work. However, it is always the option to use external tools to fulfill this role […]
Continue readingSometimes, Viruses can annoy to the extent that they will not allow to boot the operating system and you are left in miserable condition. In such case, formatting and re-installing OS would be a non-profitable deal because you may lose your data if not backup and it will take a long time. Better Solution is […]
Continue readingFor those who don’t again and again want to look up at playlist of the media player while working on Computer, Listening Radio can be a great choice as we can have blend of songs from old to new including various styles. Generally, Winamp, Windows Media player or Real player is recommended by Online radio […]
Continue reading404 Error pages which means the content is not found. This generally doesn’t happens but Unfortunately, if someone reach it- A blogger may lose one valuable visitor. So, Webmasters should always be ready to handle such situation by customizing it in own way to reach your visitor the correct place or find him some alternative. […]
Continue readingIf you want free blog hosting then Blogger is fine but when you have your own domain, most of the bloggers prefer WordPress platform for their blogs. I have tested this out and it works perfectly, you can move from blogger to WordPress and maintain your post URL or Permalinks (Post Slugs), hence maintaining your […]
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