Each web page of the billions that make up the Internet, is like a small farm on which we settle and cultivate our content for profit or may be to help others or just to ramble. As a matter of fact, these websites require some care and time that, in certain cases, it is likely […]
Continue readingIf someone manages to break into your Facebook account, if you act quickly to recover the account, it is possible to get it back and avoid major headaches.
Continue readingWith daily use of Computer, People have made their own assumptions on it’s working and behavior. If not your own, may go by popular opinions and make false perceptions about Computer. This often leads to wrong practice and action taken by user so, I would like to bust those myths and find out what’s worth […]
Continue readingToday, nothing is valued more than safety. Frightened by the news about hackers and viruses, you cannot move the mouse without being entrenched by shields and constant security analysis. Life without an antivirus seems unthinkable (atleast on Windows Computer).
Continue readingDo you know Dropbox? It is a service that offers up to 2 GB free to store all kinds of files online. It’s like a folder across all your computers, Mobile devices and even on Web. All synced together to get access files from almost anywhere. Actually, its more than what you think and here […]
Continue readingSophisticated Download Managers are jDownloader and Mipony are used to download files from File hostings like Megaupload, Rapidshare, Fileserve, etc. But the you have to pass through annoying Captcha so, here is a plugin for these software to bypass Captchas or fill them automatically.
Continue readingIn Facebook, things are not all as it seems: there are people who are under false names, pictures, interests and even friends. You look at their profile and think “something here does not fit.” These characters seek to trick legitimate users the purpose of sending unsolicited advertising, steal personal information or engage in various scams.
Continue readingWith the inevitable growth of the Internet, more and more people prefer to shop online for many reasons. Whether they purchase music through iTunes or e-books in Amazon, antivirus software licenses or clothing or even consoles on eBay but the fact is that people are encouraged to buy online.
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