To me, Browser is an operating system. It hardly matter what lies beneath because my work related things are mostly online accessed from Firefox web browser. So I thought of sharing only those few addons which really matter and I cannot work without.
Continue readingPopular opinion may not be always right. VLC Media Player is widely used and recommended by everyone on web and even some of your friends too but I do not. They say that VLC can play almost any video format available on the Earth , which is true but there is more to it.
Continue readingFirewall acts a barrier between computer system and Internet connection. Sometimes, it becomes necessary to add or remove some program from Firewall rules list. These rules state if certain program is allowed to make communication or access Network connection.
Continue readingWhen it comes to Virus protection, we are overwhelmed with the options available which often results in confusion. Let me make it easy for you to choose the best by showing the experiment results carried on Antivirus software.
Continue readingMedia files are often encrypted to prevent copying and unfair usage, this is made possible using Digital Rights Management. Often, these DRM things become irritation for users due to various restrictions like Device binding, Playback, copying, etc.
Continue readingYou are annoyed by some unknown application popping up wherever you go, asking you to click, forcing to visit. Funny thing is that you are completely clueless how it got installed. Moreover, it isn’t easy to uninstall or remove or even disable it.
Continue readingKeylogger is worst kind of breach to your privacy and security. Unlike any virus destructing your data or making it unusable, keyloggers send key strokes, windows activity screenshots to hackers silently. This could be anything- passwords, credit card details, anything. They carry on recording your each and every move and send all data without your […]
Continue readingSystem maintenance is important when you are using it for a long time. System maintenance is a collective term given to tasks like cleaning windows registry, temporary installation files, web browsers, optimizing internet connection etc. Performing these task manually is a time taking and hideous process.
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