
Category Archives for "Windows 8"

Windows 8 Restore Simplified Guide

Windows 8 Restore is a recovery feature present in operating system. It creates a snapshot by taking backup of Windows configuration, Registry, Program files, System drivers and Executables. It can be useful in case PC slows down, crashes often or goes crazy in any way and you are clueless about the cause. Then,[sws_highlight hlcolor=”fbfac7″] Restore […]

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[FIX] Unable To Change Desktop Wallpaper In Windows 8

A customization lover always loves to change Desktop wallpaper regularly for enhanced experience. Windows has most simplified option to do so. Like, you can simply right click the image and choose Set as desktop background and that images appears straight forward as Desktop background. Secondly, you can choose Desktop background from Personalization window.

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How to Add Custom Folders on This PC in Windows 8.1

In addition to this discussion about leading changes in Windows 8.1, you might have observed that computer folder inside File Explorer is renamed from “Computer” to “This PC”. It now includes Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Pictures, and Videos folders in addition to the usual devices and drives (hard drives, optical drives, and removable devices) and network […]

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